Tuesday, June 1, 2010

An opportunity to participate and showcase your photography skills.

Dear Friends,

An opportunity to participate and showcase your photography skills.

A group of photographers under the umbrella of Abu Dhabi Photographers club group on Face Book is conducting an activity workshop on the morning of Friday, 4th June 2010. The first week’s theme is to capture the Sunrise at Zayed Al Adeel, a scenic spot at Abu Dhabi Corniche.

In order to motivate them and exhibit their clicks, and also utilize this theme as an option to regroup ourselves, I invite you to click the Sunrise, you see on the same day, wherever you are and present them at Passionate Photographers.

Date: 04 June 2010
Time to click: Between 05:00 am and 07:00 am
Theme: Sunrise

Sincerely looking forward to your photo presentations, with location details and time you clicked at Passionate Photographers group before 08 June 2010:


I request my friends from other Photography groups to circulate this email to members of various group for participation with interest.

Best photos from those submitted will be presented at various media and publications with prominence and credits highlighting your skills.

Ramesh Menon
01 June 2010

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