Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Letters - Gulf News Dt. 10062010 - Unauthorised food outlets

My Letters - Gulf News Dt. 10062010 - Unauthorised food outlets

To read my letters to the news, please bookmark and visit Letters to the Editor

A note:

Incidentally, this is my 201st published material in print media, after I started seriously keeping a track of them and blogging them each time they get published. As you may notice, each of them is a dedicated effort to highlight a good deed done by an individual or group, or a problem that may affect the society in general. A parallel effort to highlight them directly with the authorities is also being made and these letters give substantial support to those efforts.

Every time I blog it or publish it, questions are raised, how do you get time. It is by practise of observing things more closely, keeping a small note and pen with me and then allotting few minutes here and there dedicated to each one of those tasks. It’s an effort done with passion and hence the result.

Sincere regards and enjoy reading.

Ramesh Menon

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