Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Short Take - Gulf Today - Dt. 19.06.2010 - A lesson for schools
Short Take - Gulf Today - Dt. 19.06.2010 - A lesson for schools

To read my weekly write up for Gulf Today, please click on Short Take
To read it in original, please visit Short Take section of Gulf Today.

Short Take - Gulf Today - Dt. 19.06.2010 - A lesson for schools

To read my weekly write up for Gulf Today, please click on Short Take
To read it in original, please visit Short Take section of Gulf Today.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
13 June 2010 - 3rd year of Team 1 blogs
13 June 2010 - 3rd year of Team 1 blogs

Dear Friends,
It is with immense pleasure and gratitude, I am writing this note.
Tomorrow, 13th June 2010, will mark three years of my blogging. What started as a small email group named Team1Dubai to interact with and motivate a group of students of IGNOU Dubai, is now branched into different vistas of communications.
On 13th June 2007, as per a suggestion by a friend, Mr. Mohan Iyer from Australia, I started my first blog www.team1dubai.blogspot.com. The interest it generated and the reach encouraged me to branch out my interests and activities into the following blogs and interactive medias:
13-Jun-07 Team 1 Dubai http://www.team1dubai.blogspot.com/
25-Nov-08 Indian Bloggers Nest http://www.indianbloggersnest.blogspot.com/
It is with immense pleasure and gratitude, I am writing this note.
Tomorrow, 13th June 2010, will mark three years of my blogging. What started as a small email group named Team1Dubai to interact with and motivate a group of students of IGNOU Dubai, is now branched into different vistas of communications.
On 13th June 2007, as per a suggestion by a friend, Mr. Mohan Iyer from Australia, I started my first blog www.team1dubai.blogspot.com. The interest it generated and the reach encouraged me to branch out my interests and activities into the following blogs and interactive medias:
13-Jun-07 Team 1 Dubai http://www.team1dubai.blogspot.com/
25-Nov-08 Indian Bloggers Nest http://www.indianbloggersnest.blogspot.com/
14-Aug-08 Athaani http://athaani.blogspot.com/
06-Oct-08 Talent Share http://talentshare.blogspot.com/
03-Dec-08 Team 1 UAE http://www.team1uae.blogspot.com/
01-Apr-09 CBSE Plus http://www.cbseplus.blogspot.com/
30-Sep-09 Team 1 Passionate Photographers http://team1passionatephotographers.blogspot.com/
And then Team 1 Talent Share Fan page: http://www.facebook.com/Team1Talentshare
Passionate Photographers group : http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622#!/group.php?gid=108518287970
Each one has it’s own significance and purpose and I have always tried to mark its relevance whenever there is an opportunity or need.
The encouragement and support received from all of you are highly significant and I do not want to miss out on THANKING any one who took their time out to visit and read what I posted.
This has also resulted in focussing seriously on Community reporting benefiting on several progressive measures for the welfare of the community.
With a combined readers count approximately numbering till date to 251,000 hits and with Face Book hits, it is continuing to grow slowly and steadily.
Photography, music, education, communication, HSE, Social Service. Interest and involvements are multitude in nature and each of them are kept active periodically as time and opportunity permits . However, in the recent times, I have kept my focus mainly on http://www.team1uae.blogspot.com/ and http://www.talentshare.blogspot.com/ and you are invited to continue your visits there and keep showing your interest as well as invite your friends who you feel will benefit a point or two from my postings.
06-Oct-08 Talent Share http://talentshare.blogspot.com/
03-Dec-08 Team 1 UAE http://www.team1uae.blogspot.com/
01-Apr-09 CBSE Plus http://www.cbseplus.blogspot.com/
30-Sep-09 Team 1 Passionate Photographers http://team1passionatephotographers.blogspot.com/
And then Team 1 Talent Share Fan page: http://www.facebook.com/Team1Talentshare
Passionate Photographers group : http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622#!/group.php?gid=108518287970
Each one has it’s own significance and purpose and I have always tried to mark its relevance whenever there is an opportunity or need.
The encouragement and support received from all of you are highly significant and I do not want to miss out on THANKING any one who took their time out to visit and read what I posted.
This has also resulted in focussing seriously on Community reporting benefiting on several progressive measures for the welfare of the community.
With a combined readers count approximately numbering till date to 251,000 hits and with Face Book hits, it is continuing to grow slowly and steadily.
Photography, music, education, communication, HSE, Social Service. Interest and involvements are multitude in nature and each of them are kept active periodically as time and opportunity permits . However, in the recent times, I have kept my focus mainly on http://www.team1uae.blogspot.com/ and http://www.talentshare.blogspot.com/ and you are invited to continue your visits there and keep showing your interest as well as invite your friends who you feel will benefit a point or two from my postings.
Short Take - Gulf Today - 12.06.2010 - Careless actions
Short Take - Gulf Today - 12.06.2010 - Careless actions

To read my weekly write up for Gulf Today, please click on Short Take

To read my weekly write up for Gulf Today, please click on Short Take
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Become a Fan of Team 1 Talent Share and show it on your profile
Become a Fan of Team 1 Talent Share and show it on your profile

Promote your Page too

Promote your Page too
01 Talent Share,
03 Information and Events
My Letters - Gulf News Dt. 10062010 - Unauthorised food outlets
My Letters - Gulf News Dt. 10062010 - Unauthorised food outlets

To read my letters to the news, please bookmark and visit Letters to the Editor
A note:
Incidentally, this is my 201st published material in print media, after I started seriously keeping a track of them and blogging them each time they get published. As you may notice, each of them is a dedicated effort to highlight a good deed done by an individual or group, or a problem that may affect the society in general. A parallel effort to highlight them directly with the authorities is also being made and these letters give substantial support to those efforts.
Every time I blog it or publish it, questions are raised, how do you get time. It is by practise of observing things more closely, keeping a small note and pen with me and then allotting few minutes here and there dedicated to each one of those tasks. It’s an effort done with passion and hence the result.
Sincere regards and enjoy reading.
Ramesh Menon

To read my letters to the news, please bookmark and visit Letters to the Editor
A note:
Incidentally, this is my 201st published material in print media, after I started seriously keeping a track of them and blogging them each time they get published. As you may notice, each of them is a dedicated effort to highlight a good deed done by an individual or group, or a problem that may affect the society in general. A parallel effort to highlight them directly with the authorities is also being made and these letters give substantial support to those efforts.
Every time I blog it or publish it, questions are raised, how do you get time. It is by practise of observing things more closely, keeping a small note and pen with me and then allotting few minutes here and there dedicated to each one of those tasks. It’s an effort done with passion and hence the result.
Sincere regards and enjoy reading.
Ramesh Menon
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Little World - a nice programme by Amrita TV on Sundays
Little World - a nice programme by Amrita TV on Sundays

Little World - a nice programme by Amrita TV on Sundays

Little World - a nice programme by Amrita TV on Sundays
I was really touched by the episode that was shown on Sunday, 6th June 2010. Sincere thanks for presenting a beautiful message of compassion and love for those children of Regional Cancer Centre (RCC) Trivandrum. I am sure, many who watched this programme will have the same feeling.
To say "Help Them" is very easy. But to be with them and help assist them to ease the pain, agony and emotions of them as well as their families is very important. So, if any of you get an opportunity to be with them and bring a happy smile on their face, please do utilise it.
Sincere pranams,
Ramesh Menon
My Letters - Gulf News Dt. 24 May 2010 - Write it right, education body alerts Filipinos
My Letters - Gulf News Dt. 24 May 2010 - Write it right, education body alerts Filipinos
Write it right, education body alerts Filipinos
Filipino students told to use proper English even when sending text messages or using social networking sites
By Gilbert P. Felongco, Correspondent Published: 00:00 May 24, 2010
Manila: In a bid to compel young Filipinos to toe the line on correct language and communicate effectively, the education department has ordered teachers to force students to use proper grammar when writing or keying in their messages.
Education Secretary Mona Valisno said the use of mobile phone text messages in daily communication, to a certain extent had been detrimental to Filipinos because text message users were forced to sacrifice message clarity for the sake of keeping up with pop culture.
Owing to the limited lines of text mobiles are capable of handling, some Filipino text message users tend to shorten their messages.
While limiting the amount of text is understandable for short messaging services, such a practice was being used more widely in non-formal avenues such as on social networking sites as Facebook, Multiply and Friendster, among others.
"I understand that shortcut texting helps save on cost of SMS," Valisno said.
"Short messaging service is intended for delivering concise messages and not full conversation.
"This means you can properly compose a 160- character message in full spelling to get your message across."
Another major issue that the education department was trying to address is the increasing number of young Filipinos who tended to veer away from conventional English and Filipino grammar and use typefaces that ordinary people found difficult to read, let alone understand.
But Valisno said Filipinos should stop the practice if they want to remain competitive.
My comments as follows:
This is an excellent move by the education department of Philippines. In reality, it should be followed by all. The Short Message Syndrome (SMS) is cancerous in tempting children to deviate from communicating in full and confine to a world of limited expressions. It is not easy to move away now from the world of Twitters and Facebooks, and however, authorities try to restrict, children and even will find it attractive some way or other suiting their intellectual or other worldly tastes. It is therefore, good to initiate measures to start conversing in full even within the limitation of word count restrictions. Train them young and well for future. Otherwise, it will be another catastrophe that we all will have to look up on in the future - a global tapering of language.
Ramesh Menon, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
To read it in original, please visit GULF NEWS ONLINE.
Write it right, education body alerts Filipinos
Filipino students told to use proper English even when sending text messages or using social networking sites
By Gilbert P. Felongco, Correspondent Published: 00:00 May 24, 2010
Manila: In a bid to compel young Filipinos to toe the line on correct language and communicate effectively, the education department has ordered teachers to force students to use proper grammar when writing or keying in their messages.
Education Secretary Mona Valisno said the use of mobile phone text messages in daily communication, to a certain extent had been detrimental to Filipinos because text message users were forced to sacrifice message clarity for the sake of keeping up with pop culture.
Owing to the limited lines of text mobiles are capable of handling, some Filipino text message users tend to shorten their messages.
While limiting the amount of text is understandable for short messaging services, such a practice was being used more widely in non-formal avenues such as on social networking sites as Facebook, Multiply and Friendster, among others.
"I understand that shortcut texting helps save on cost of SMS," Valisno said.
"Short messaging service is intended for delivering concise messages and not full conversation.
"This means you can properly compose a 160- character message in full spelling to get your message across."
Another major issue that the education department was trying to address is the increasing number of young Filipinos who tended to veer away from conventional English and Filipino grammar and use typefaces that ordinary people found difficult to read, let alone understand.
But Valisno said Filipinos should stop the practice if they want to remain competitive.
My comments as follows:
This is an excellent move by the education department of Philippines. In reality, it should be followed by all. The Short Message Syndrome (SMS) is cancerous in tempting children to deviate from communicating in full and confine to a world of limited expressions. It is not easy to move away now from the world of Twitters and Facebooks, and however, authorities try to restrict, children and even will find it attractive some way or other suiting their intellectual or other worldly tastes. It is therefore, good to initiate measures to start conversing in full even within the limitation of word count restrictions. Train them young and well for future. Otherwise, it will be another catastrophe that we all will have to look up on in the future - a global tapering of language.
Ramesh Menon, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
To read it in original, please visit GULF NEWS ONLINE.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Short Take - Gulf Today - Dt. 05.06.2010 Special Compassion
Short Take - Gulf Today - Dt. 05.06.2010 Special Compassion

To read Short Take exclusively written for Gulf Today, please click here.

To read Short Take exclusively written for Gulf Today, please click here.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
An opportunity to participate and showcase your photography skills.

Dear Friends,
An opportunity to participate and showcase your photography skills.
A group of photographers under the umbrella of Abu Dhabi Photographers club group on Face Book is conducting an activity workshop on the morning of Friday, 4th June 2010. The first week’s theme is to capture the Sunrise at Zayed Al Adeel, a scenic spot at Abu Dhabi Corniche.
In order to motivate them and exhibit their clicks, and also utilize this theme as an option to regroup ourselves, I invite you to click the Sunrise, you see on the same day, wherever you are and present them at Passionate Photographers.
Date: 04 June 2010
Time to click: Between 05:00 am and 07:00 am
Theme: Sunrise
Sincerely looking forward to your photo presentations, with location details and time you clicked at Passionate Photographers group before 08 June 2010:
I request my friends from other Photography groups to circulate this email to members of various group for participation with interest.
Best photos from those submitted will be presented at various media and publications with prominence and credits highlighting your skills.
Ramesh Menon
01 June 2010
An opportunity to participate and showcase your photography skills.
A group of photographers under the umbrella of Abu Dhabi Photographers club group on Face Book is conducting an activity workshop on the morning of Friday, 4th June 2010. The first week’s theme is to capture the Sunrise at Zayed Al Adeel, a scenic spot at Abu Dhabi Corniche.
In order to motivate them and exhibit their clicks, and also utilize this theme as an option to regroup ourselves, I invite you to click the Sunrise, you see on the same day, wherever you are and present them at Passionate Photographers.
Date: 04 June 2010
Time to click: Between 05:00 am and 07:00 am
Theme: Sunrise
Sincerely looking forward to your photo presentations, with location details and time you clicked at Passionate Photographers group before 08 June 2010:
I request my friends from other Photography groups to circulate this email to members of various group for participation with interest.
Best photos from those submitted will be presented at various media and publications with prominence and credits highlighting your skills.
Ramesh Menon
01 June 2010
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